Stipe PFA 2023

Click on your teacher’s name below to donate. All prize money is due on June 2nd to be eligible for prizes. Share this link with friends.

Progress bar 94.6% of $15,000 as of 6/06
Pre-K – Brianna Chenevey 603.30K/1 – Maricena Hernandez 609.233/4 – Laurie LoForti 1837.97
Pre-K – Maria Gaeta 201st – Gina Nguyen 696.114th – Catalina Hernandez 1358.73
Pre-K – Diana Nijmeh 437.212nd – Seema Soin 1269.295th – Megan Apana / Veena Pillay 584
SDC – Heidi Bayless 888.362/3 – Dedra Downing 705.735th – Monica Duran 1065.76
TK – Sandy Carranza 658.643rd – Chi Ratsythong 1174.086th – Jeff Friedman 1341.33
K – Matteo Enna 539.08STUDENT DONATION SITES6th – Angie Lopez 288.72

PFA Officers

Works with parents, teachers and staff to find ways to improve the environment that our teachers and students work in to help them to be more successful.

PRESIDENT – Conducts meetings, sets agendas, calendars, etc. Normally a 2-year term.

VICE PRESIDENT – Assists the President in his/her duties. Some minor responsibilities. Normally a 2-year term.

TREASURER – Drafts the budget, manages the bookkeeping, reports to the IRS, pays insurance, vendors, and reimbursements.

SECRETARY – Organizes the meeting agenda, takes notes and publishes the meeting minutes, updates the by-laws.

SCHOOL HELPER – Volunteers at the school during the day either in the office, teacher’s copy room, or other tasks as needed.

VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR – For special events such as Harvest Festival, Cinco de Mayo, Book Fair and Walk A Thon, coordinates and schedules parents to different duties and times.

STIPE WEAR SALES PERSON – Run the inventory and sales of our t-shirts, etc.

CHEF – Organizes the food portion of our events.

FAMILY NIGHT COORDINATOR – Arranges for fund raisers at local eateries.

PARENT TEACHER HELPER – Works with a specific teacher to introduce the benefits of the PFA and to advocate for classroom wants and needs at PFA meetings.

EVENT VOLUNTEER – The PFA and school have many events that need parent participation, volunteer help, money takers, booth manners, candy deliveries, book fair operations, etc.

FIELD TRIP ADVOCATE – This person advocates to the teachers the use of PFA funds for field trips, including the big-sixth grade trips.